Main Productions

Objection! An Unscripted Courtroom Comedy
Jan 31-Feb 23 | Fridays 8pm, Sundays 2pm
Court is now in session for Objection! An Unscripted Courtroom Comedy! Come watch as our cast reveals shocking evidence, questions surprise witnesses, and objects to just about everything. BYOB

Roll Play: Odd at Sea
March 7-30 | Fridays 8pm, Sundays 2pm
Roll Play: Odd at Sea is the piratey edition of our flagship D&D show – now with more flags and even more ships! BYOB

Roll Play: An Improvised Adventure
April 4–27 | Fridays 8pm, Sundays 2pm
Like "Whose Line?" meets "The Lord of the Rings", Roll Play combines live interactive theater with the fantasy hijinks of D&D storytelling. Guided by a mysterious Dungeon Master, four brave heroes embark on an epic quest— determined entirely by audience suggestions and rolls of the dice! BYOB
Saturday Specials

Roll Play: KNIGHTS
2nd Saturdays, 7pm
The knaughtier, adults-only version of our flagship D&D show, complete with a Bard and dice-based play-along drinking games! BYOB encouraged, but not required to enjoy!

Objection! Subpoena Colada
3rd Saturdays, 7pm
The more tropical, objectionable, adults-only version of Objection with a play-along judicial drinking game! BYOB encouraged, but not required to enjoy!

Study Hall
4th Saturdays, 7pm
Study Hall is now in session! This unique comedy show mixes lectures with improv comedy to create a show that is both entertaining and educational. You'll learn a little and laugh a lot! BYOB
Terror Trove

Join Ryan Wilson and Sarah LeClair, Philadelphia's preeminent film historians, as they present your favorite horror movies like you've never seen them before.
Terror Trove is a love letter to horror cinema that is part TED Talk, part improvised parody, and all madness. Whether you love or hate scary movies, you'll leave thinking, "Wow, are those two alright?"
February 22 – OVERLOOKED (The Shining)
May 17 – FINS (Jaws)
August 23 – DEVIL DADDY (Rosemary's Baby)
October 11 – PAL-O-WEEN (Halloween)
Weird Weekend

November 30–December 1
Weird Weekend is our quadannual mini-festival that celebrates the strange & embraces the enigmatic! Featuring unique, daring, bizarre, and experimental acts from all over Philadelphia.
Want to submit your own Weird Weekend act? We'd love to hear about it! Please submit your act via our Weird Weekend Submission Form. (SUBMISSIONS CURRENTLY CLOSED)
Next Weird Weekend:
February 28–March 2
SideQuest Show Calendar
For more information about our shows, check out our Shows FAQ