Roll Play: KNIGHTS
The knaughtier, adults-only version of our flagship D&D show, complete with a Bard and dice-based play-along drinking games! BYOB heartily encouraged for the full experience.
Content Warnings: Strong language, adult themes, alcohol.
“Roll Play” Logo Design by Shaun Kreider
Review Quotes
“I FINALLY saw this show last night and I cannot say enough good things about it. I don’t know anything about D&D and yet the format was so accessible. Also there are a TON of ways the audience can weigh in on what happens. This is a full, rich show worth every penny. See it if the tickets aren’t already snatched up by its legion of devoted fans!!”
“Went on a whim as a lover of D&D and theater, and wow. I was amazed by how funny this was! Really well moderated (nice work, DM Josh!), and some truly hilarious moments. Definitely recommending it to friends, and we will be back!”
"Very charming and entertaining theater! I attended the Roll Play show, which follows the format of a magical DnD game. I’ve never played before and it’s easy to follow the show. The cast is amazing! Super sharp, witty, entertaining, and endearing. The theater has a variety of shows which I look forward to seeing!"