Cat & Vegas and the Temple of Boom
Cat and Vegas are a snazzy improv comedy band that performs on-the-spot songs inspired by live audience prompts. Step into this unstoppable duo’s musical mecca and prepare to soft-rock your socks off! BYOB
For more about Cat & Vegas, check out their website: www.catandvegas.com
First Performance: May 25
Content Warnings: Moderate language, potentially dark or adult themes.
Cat London
Cat is an improv comedian, actress, filmmaker, and songwriter. She’s performed long-form and short-form improv with various professional troupes including the Bit Players of Newport, RI and Howdy Stranger of Hackensack, NJ. One time General Electric Lighting hired her to write comedic songs for a live product launch for 3 hours straight; it was dope and her contacts didn’t even dry out.
Vegas Lancaster
Vegas is an actor, improv and stand-up comedian. He’s a long-time member of the improv troupe, Philly’s The N Crowd. He also opened for comedian Demetri Martin as a college student which was very cool.